
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

New Month, New Study Topic

First thing's first, I've decided to change the URL to this blog, I think the new address is quite suiting, I hope you like it:

save it, remember it, spread it around.

and now, on with the research...

Money, money, money.

This journey, or odyssey, won't be possible without cutting costs. Now, a lot of this trip will rely on the like minded, good natured people of the jiu jitsu family lending me somewhere to crash, a spare bed, a couch, a corner on the floor even, anything. But I'm not planning this solely on the hope of good natured people. I'll need to look into hostels, cheap forms of transit and cheaper ways to eat. If there's a discount out there or a tip you have that could help me in my travels, let me know.
First thing I'm looking into this month: dealing with currency. Do any of you bring different currencies when you travel or do you just hit up a bank when you get there? given the extent of this journey, dealing with different forms of money, making sure not to get ripped off, will be a concern. Obviously, I'll have to watch out service charges and be careful with my credit cards and bank cards as well, tips for that are also welcome.
Let's start the research! Maybe I'll finally learn to be smart with me money, haha!

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